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Gym Members/Memberships
Gym members are to use the membership door only. Please do not unlock/lock any other doors without The Iron Village team's approval. If a member is seen unlocking the doors, their 24/7 access will be revoked until further notice.
Gym members are not allowed to let in any non-members or members who forgot their “key card” (the app that lets them in on their phone).
If a member is seen letting other members/non-members in, they will be charged a $500 fine and may have their 24/7 access revoked.

Any members bringing a guest, the guest MUST sign a liability form with a team member before using the gym equipment. After the liability form has been signed, the member may bring their guest during non-office hours (member will be contacted to confirm and will be charged a day pass on their account).
Trespassing or access card fraud will result in loss of membership.
Memberships may be canceled at any time, however, there will be no refund for the remainder of the month (for monthly memberships) and for the rest of the year (for annual memberships). There are no cancellation fees.
The $50 maintenance fee will take into effect every year from the start of the membership date unless canceled.
Canceled memberships that have been active for at least 6 months+ will be charged the $50 maintenance fee.
A parent/guardian must sign a waiver for any child the age of 17 or younger.
Any child 12 or younger must be supervised by an adult in the gym.
We ask that you do not leave your child unattended when in the facility unless informed otherwise by an owner.
The Iron Village does not tolerate verbal or physical harassment of any member or team member for any reason. Violations by members may result in cancellation of membership.
If any member experiences harassment:

  • The incident of harassment shall be reported to a team member or manager as soon as possible

  • Issues that are not resolved in a manner satisfactory to a member may also be directed to

Proper Attire
The Iron Village strives to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all members. As such, clothing with offensive messages and clothing that may present health or safety hazards or damage club equipment, is not allowed.
For example,

  • Jeans or pants with prominent grommets may damage equipment; and

  • Clothing with hateful, lewd or offensive messaging undermines our welcoming environment

Bags & Lockers
Backpacks, duffle bags, or other personal gear are allowed in the gym area as long as belongings remain with yourself,
please keep in mind for other members' space.
Lockers are available 24/7 for gym members. To use a locker:

  1. Put personal items in locker

  2. Lock the locker, take the key out and keep on person until finished working out

  3. When finished, remove items from locker and replace the key back in the lock

The Iron Village team members do carry copies of the keys, however, we ask you not take the key home and/or misplace it.
Items will be removed daily if left in lockers and or bathrooms.
Mobile Device Policy
Members may use mobile devices for photography and videography, etc. Please remember, do NOT film or take photos of any other gym members without their knowledge and/or their permission. When listening to music, please use headphones unless there are no other gym members in the facility.
If another member makes a complaint, please speak with a manager or team member to resolve the issue. 
Health & Safety
If a member has the flu, a cold, or any other contagious illness, please do not use the gym equipment. Using the equipment with a contagious illness puts you and other members at risk. Bottles of disinfectant and paper towels/rags are available in every area and on some equipment. Please be courteous of fellow gym members and use the supplies provided in the areas that you use.
No smoking is allowed anywhere in the gym and including the entrances.
Alcoholic beverages, glass containers, and/or illegal substances are prohibited in any area of the facility and will result in loss of membership.
Abuse of facility or equipment will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the facility. (Examples: damaging equipment or gym property).
No firearms permitted in the facility. 
Bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, motorized vehicles must be left outside the gym center. Service animals are allowed with the presentation of certified badge.
It is recommended that everyone check with their physician prior to beginning an exercise program or in using gym equipment.
Any member who incurs an injury or becomes dizzy/ill while in the gym should immediately contact a team member for assistance. A first aid kit is kept at the front desk for minor injuries. In cases requiring more extensive first aid, team members will contact the appropriate persons for assistance. It is important that the staff be notified of any cases of injury or illness so that proper procedures can be initiated. 
Lost & Found
Articles lost in either the main area, training room, bathrooms, or lockers are kept in the lost and found tote located by the front desk. The Iron Village is not responsible for any lost or stolen articles or for any items left at the front desk while you are at the gym.
Cardiovascular Equipment Usage Procedures
Cardio equipment is on a first come, first serve basis. We do not limit the amount of time per member using the equipment. Our team members can assist you if you have any questions or concerns. Please wipe down cardio equipment after use.
Weightlifting Procedures

  1. For the courtesy of all members and for safety reasons, all lifters MUST re-rack their own dumbbells and weight plates after they have finished using them. Continued failure to abide by this policy may lead to the suspension or termination of your membership along with a cleaning fee of $15 per time.

  2. If you do not have a spotter, please lift at your own safety/risk, we are not liable for injuries or ask a team member to spot.

  3. If you are a person who uses chalk when lifting, we do offer chalk in a bucket, please make sure to clean up any messes afterward.

  4. Please do not put weight plates on benches.

Selectoral Machines & Functional Trainers
All equipment is on a first come, first serve basis. Do not approach another member to enforce them in leaving their spot if they are still using the equipment or be offended if they decline you to work in.
Wipe down machines after use and put cable attachments back in the proper spots.
Membership Revocations & Suspensions
All policies and procedures apply to all gym members and non-members when in the facility. The Iron Village team members are responsible for enforcement of our policies and guidelines. Courtesy for other members, staff, and equipment in the gym is expected and required. Abusive behavior will not be tolerated. Failure to comply with our policies and procedures may result in immediate eviction from the gym, revocation of membership with no refund, and a ban from the gym until further notice.

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